Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Husband Opens Box Thinking It’s An Apple Watch, But What’s Inside Makes Him Cry

Who wants an Apple watch for their birthday?

How about for Christmas? Or Valentine’s day? Any of the above would work for me, if I’m being honest. I mean come on, those things are awesome.

To wear it is to love it.

Or so they say. I mean, once I saw these little babies hitting the shelves I must say, I couldn’t help but believe it. It has some amazing features that even the most technically challenged individual would get excited about. You can receive and respond to your notifications in seconds, track your daily activity (like how many steps you’ve taken, and a bunch of other really cool things). You can have and play music from it, using just your voice! (Is that for real? How cool!) You can also pay for stuff too, like groceries or cool fitness gear, whatever you want. All of these incredible features in one tiny little watch. It still blows my mind what technology is able to do.
This guy wanted an Apple watch. He really wanted an Apple watch. And he thought he was getting one. (I mean, she did hand him an Apple watch box, so it’s a little unfair).
He didn’t get an Apple watch. He got the furthest thing from it. When he opens the box and realizes there is no Apple watch inside he begins to cry, but wait until you see why he’s crying! He may not have gotten an awesome watch, but what he did get is much more amazing. His reaction is beautiful. Not only is his woman a genius for the way she gives him this incredible gift, she also knows how to build some suspense. This video is one of the sweetest and most emotional I’ve seen in a long time. What a happy surprise!

Watch it here:

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